Avula Safaris is THE South African experience for the whole family! From conservation, to hunting and of course, safari adventures…Avula has it all. They even supports our military by giving about 30 safaris and hunting trips to our veterans each year. To learn even more, watch the video below and visit www.AvulaSafaris.com
Owners of Antler Ice and hosts of Bone Cold TV take time out of their busy day to share with me…they tell us about their favorite animals to hunt and in what parts of America! (They even gave me and autographed a Bone Cold TV hat…they were really cool!) You can check out their amazing hunts and sharp gear at www.BoneColdTV.com
Ken Penrod, has been a guide for Presidents, Supreme Court justices and Congressmen. What are they like outside the D.C. belt way and inside a boat? Figure that out in the video below! If your looking for a fishing guide to the Susquehanna or Potomac rivers, Mr. Penrod is your GUYde 🙂
Helping both RV owners and property owners, watch the video below and learn how to get “Up Close“ from Micheal Lockwood. www.upcloserv.com
Have a dog I do…need a kennel you do! Why Ruff Land Performance Kennels maybe for you. Learn more in the video below and visit them at www.rufflandkennels.com
Mangata Lites. Lights for your hands! Learn in the video below how a mother helping her Boy Scout son, might end up helping you. Check them out and order at www.gorunlites.com