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Andrew Yang on the campaign trail in New Hampshire

Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang visited the Granite State to file for the New Hampshire Primary earlier today. Afterwards, outside the state house the “Yang Gang” held a rally that even included the Truckers for Yang truck.

So with that, I decided to ask Mr. Yang about the trucking industry. Before you watch the video, here are some cool facts about trucking in the U.S. Truck drivers make up around 1% of the population in the U.S. and 7% of Americans work at places like truck stops, diners, ports, loading docks and more! That’s just a glimpse of the impact trucking has on our country, but the industry is now under threat by automation! How would Andrew Yang stop that threat? See his answer below.

While at the rally I also spoke to supporters of Yang, so don’t forget to see what other voters have to say. I even talked to a Canadian about American politics! So click the playlist button in the top right corner to see more!

Are you part of the Yang Gang or just a curios voter? Tell me your thoughts I would love to hear them!

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