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Trump’s Tulsa Triumph!

The last time I covered a Trump rally was in Charlotte, North Carolina on March second, the last rally until now. That was only a couple of months ago, but think about all that’s happened since then. Covid, George Floyd and the protests that followed his death. Trump supporters I have spoken with are eager to hear the President. Here is a few interviews I did with people in line.

The rally did not go with out criticism. First it was attacked for being held on Juneteenth, the date was later changed to the 20th. Then there was the fact that the Corona Virus is still taking a toll in our country. The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled against a lawsuit that would postpone the rally due to public health risk. The rally was given the go ahead and the show goes on! What did attendees think about the rally? Here’s a few interviews to answer that.

After Vice President Pence spoke, the President came out to speak and the crowd went wild.

He spoke about a variety of issues and at times looked like stand up comedy. He talked about his speech and experience with the West Point graduation, (sleepy) Joe Biden, protests, and of course the media.

Here is an interview I did with a man mentioned by the presidents son on stage. These are some of his thoughts after the speech.

So what do you think about the timing of the rally? Let me know.

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