Today on Capitol Hill there were plenty of heated moments during the hearing. Where many times Democrats would not let AG Barr respond to there questions or insisted for a ‘yes or no’ answer. There are plenty times my Dad will ask me a question that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. Many answers are more complicated than one word.
Today’s hearing was not only about one topic, but many…topics such as policing, protest/riots, the black and brown community, COVID 19, Election interference, and giving favors to the Presidents friends.
A big topic was Portland, Oregon and the deployment of federal marshals to protect a U.S. court house under attack by rioters. Use of force by law enforcement is a topic that has been debated for decades and is now more than ever flooded, the radio waves, our TV screens, and social media posts we scroll through every day.
Also breaking news announced today by AG Barr is that the DOJ is working with U.S. District Attorney John Bash to investigate misconduct in the unmasking process in Crossfire Hurricane and the General Flynn Prosecution.
What did you take away from the hearing? Let me know!