President Trump visits Midland-Odessa to raise money and tour an oil rig.

President Trump came to Odessa to hold a fundraiser with his supporters. I spoke with those in line for the event and here’s what they had to say about a variety of issues such as oil, which is a big part of the West Texas economy.

I also spoke with those who were unable to get inside, but were still super excited to see the President’s motorcade. Even worth baking outside in the sizzling Texas heat for hours to wave to the President they love.

Through out this pandemic I have heard that President Trump has not done well on containing the Corona virus. That is a matter of opinion of course. What did I see lining Odessa streets? Doctors and nurses out to support President Trump as he drove by in his motorcade.

Every since oil was discovered on a local ranch in 1927, energy has been a pillar in the West Texas economy. The oil industry has taken a huge hit from COVID-19 and many locals I spoke to think if Biden is elected the impact on their community will only get worse.

How do you think the oil industry would be impacted by a Biden presidency?