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President Trump visits the Keystone State

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be a important state this election, which is why President Trump is here once again. I spoke with his supporters, one even a former Democrat, about why they are voting for Donald Trump. Some are worried about riots, immigration, Joe Biden’s mental state and more.

I spoke with a former Democrat who even worked on the Clinton campaign! Here is her interview and many more.

One thing I have heard from news outlets since the President started holding rallies again is, ‘he is creating a super spreader’. His supporters say that they want to make the choice themselves whether to come and support President Trump…that if people are worried about getting Covid, they don’t have to come or they could wear a mask. It will continue to be debated whether the President is creating super spreaders, but as long as he has supporters…they will come.

With the first debates between Joe Biden and President Trump just a few days away, Trump’s supporters are pumped. What do you think of President Trump and what do you expect to see at Tuesday’s debate?

P.S. We’re having technical difficulties and more interviews will be up soon!

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