Iowa…we heard all about the state through out the primaries. Especially on February 3rd, the day of the caucus. Recently though, Iowa is not mentioned as frequently. Iowa may only boast six electoral college votes, but a very important and tight Senate race is underway. Republican incumbent Joni Ernst is neck and neck with her Democratic challenger, Theresa Greenfield. Iowa is still a tight race for President Trump and former Vice President Biden and every state counts.
President Trump made visited Des Moines to rally his Iowa base. Here’s what his supporters thought about President Trump visiting Iowa.
After that rally we drove up to Muskegon, Michigan where President Trump held another rally. Unlike Iowa, Michigan is a hot topic in the election world. Michigan has 16 electoral college votes; 10 more than Iowa. This is a key state for the Presidential candidates and like Iowa, there is a tight Senate race as well between incumbent Democrat Gary Peters and Republican John James. Trump and Biden are very close in Michigan, they are fighting for Michigander’s votes. In fact Joe Biden was in the Detroit area the day before the Presidents rally.
Not only did I speak with Trump supporters on why they chose to support Donald Trump, but also how they feel we could unite the country. Check out these Michigan trump supporters thoughts.
I hope you enjoyed! We are creeping closer and closer to Election Day so don’t forget to vote!