12 days to election my true love gave to me… debate night!

Merry election! With only 12 days until election day, we witnessed the candidates go at it for one last time on the debate stage. I’m sure you have heard all about it, so I won’t tell you the same thing you have already heard. What I will show you is those gathered outside to support their candidate and how they feel we can unite our country and more! Check out these interviews of supporters for both candidates!

There was an observation I made with some Biden supporters and you may have too. It was, that this is not about Biden, it’s about Trump. I found that rather interesting. Both candidates have a base excited to go vote. Who will get more votes is an answer we will see soon.

I find it insane how politics divides us as a nation, but how divided are we? I asked a few people if there was a car broken down on the side of the road with a political sticker of the opposing candidate. would they pull over to help just as easily as they would if the car had a sticker with there own candidate? Every answer was yes, they would help. That was really interesting and reassuring. Now I will say, one of the people that said they would pull over, also called a Trump supporter behind her a degenerate…. ssoooo yeah. I feel most Americans don’t see race, gender or politics, just people. I find it comforting to see unity, when almost all we see on the news is division.

How do you think we could unite our country?