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Valdosta, GA: Can Trump rally his base to save the Senate?

President Trump made a trip to Valdosta, Georgia to encourage his supporters to get out and vote for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. All eyes are on Georgia, the state that may decide the balance of the Senate.

I was able to speak with supporters of the President about Election fraud and the runoff election.

One question that I asked people was what was more important to them, Republicans having the Senate or the White House? Every single answer was the Presidency. I heard that they would take Trump any day. They feel Trump has accomplished so much and helped improve their lives. Sometimes it amazes me how much Trump’s supporters love him and feel he is their voice. I really expected at least one person to say it is more important for Republicans to have the senate.

Many Trump supporters I have spoken with feel something was wrong with the election and some think it was rigged. They feel that if election fraud was looked into, Trump would win. If President Trump can’t keep the Presidency, one outcome is crucial for Republicans…the Senate. Which is why Georgia is so pivotal for both parties: For Republicans having the Senate ‘would keep Biden under control’ and for Democrats ‘they would be able to get more done.’ I look forward to covering the two runoff elections here in Georgia!

I hope you enjoyed the story! Be sure to comment with any advice and criticism, I love to learn how to make my stories better.

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