NRA Annual Meeting Facing Backlash Days After Uvalde School Shooting

In Uvalde, Texas 19 children and 3 adults were killed in a shooting at Robb Elementary. The event has brought the small town to it’s knee’s, and has drawn the attention of the country and the world. Many are calling for action to be taken on gun reform, but as usual there are different viewpoints on gun violence and its solution.

Just a few days after the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, the NRA Annual Meeting was held in Houston, Texas. Do to the timing numerous singers chose not to perform, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott also chose not to speak as planned. With Gun Control and mass shootings being on many Americans minds, opinions are varied. In Houston thousands attended the annual meeting, but outside were protesters with a very different point of view.

I spoke with both attendees and protesters on their different ideas on how to combat gun violence. In the end it seems both sides want kids to be safe, they just have a different approach on how to that. here are my discussions with protesters outside the annual meeting on the solutions they think would help stop gun violence in America.

The most interesting interview of that day to me were two veterans and former NRA members who decided the NRA did not represent their values anymore. They were outside protesting and took time to speak with me.

I also was able to speak with a few NRA attendees to get there thoughts on a solution.

Another intriguing part of my coverage at the NRA annual meeting was the conversation between a protester and two attendees of the annual meeting.

As the the NRA held there annual meeting in Houston, almost 300 miles away a small town is mourning. A few days earlier nineteen elementary school students and two teachers were killed in the biggest school shooting in Texas history. Uvalde is a small town most have never heard of before last week, now it’s a nationally known town. People from all over flock to pay there respects to the lives lost in this senseless tragedy.

Questions have are being asked about the law enforcement response to the shooting. It was almost an hour before police killed the shooter. In fact it was an off duty Border Patrol agent who shot the suspect. We will see how the story unfolds, but it seems there will be heavy back lash for Uvalde Police. Over the next months as we creep up on the mid term elections, guns may be one of the key issues influencing votes. This is one of the most tragic stories I have covered and one that has tugged at the heart strings of many Americans.