An Insult to Democracy

If you were hoping for a simple and straightforward election cycle you have once again been disappointed. Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and taking his place is Kamala Harris. This is an insult to the election process. If I were a democrat I would be livid. Democratic voters have been deprived of their right to choose a candidate to represent them in the general election. 4 years ago when given a choice, Democrats showed little interest in Kamala Harris. Harris dropped out before the Iowa Caucus. It does not seem fair to voters and other potential Democratic candidates and frankly is a stain on the American election. That’s just the unfairness towards Democrats.

This is also unfair to Republicans. Having to go against a candidate after already campaigning and at this point almost undeniably beating Joe Biden. This comes just days after the Republican National Convention. Had Trump  known Biden would drop out, perhaps he would have picked a different VP. What is for certain is the Trump Campaign spent millions competing against a candidate they won’t even be facing in the general election. 

This decision is unfair to both Democrats and Republicans and is a stain on the electoral process. This should be bipartisanly viewed as unacceptable, but it’s not. As Americans we have become complicit and let a small majority take advantage of us without batting an eye. This complacency is an insult to our founding fathers and the core principles of which they founded our beautiful nation. We can only live up to that not just by blindly following party lines, but coming together to hold together our nation.