An Inch From Infamy

The bizarreness of this election cycle continues. This time at a new low point. For the first time in over 50 years there was assanation attempts on a Presidential candidate. On Saturday while speaking at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Former President Trump was shot. Barely, as the bullet only nicked his ear, but had he not turned his head ever so slightly seconds before, who knows what chaos would have ensued.

      Had the attempt been successful, what would that mean for the future of our country? Who knows what drastic events this could have triggered. For all we know this could have been the first domino to fall leading to a civil war. What does the mean going forward for both candidates? Trump will certainly have to increase security with only a few days until the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Could this lead a radical Trump supporter to try and take out President Biden? We are not yet sure what the motive of the shooting was, but who’s to say it won’t happen again and next time be successful.

Not to mention the failure and incompetency by the Secret Service. How on earth could someone manage to get a clear shot from a rooftop 150 yards away? Perhaps in a crowded city with many surrounding buildings this would be more understandable, but this was basically a field with only a few buildings nearby. I have seen how serious Secret Service has taken security measures at Trump rallies. I don’t understand how something like this could happen. 

There are many questions on how Secret Service dropped the ball, but also how we as a Nation have let ourselves become so divided and aggressive over politics. We forget that the sole purpose of elections is to form a better stronger nation, not tear it apart.