Wow, I can’t believe there is only fifty days until Election Day! Just think about all that we’ve seen through out the campaign cycle. So here is a mash up of my interviews with Democratic candidates in the primary! We have been watching as candidates go head to head the last year and a half, …
For months we have wondered who Joe Biden’s running mate would be, now we know. He has picked Kamala Harris the Senator from California. So how did she become the running mate of Joe Biden? Harris was born in Oakland, the daughter of immigrants. She graduated from the University of California and Howard University with …
President Trump came to Odessa to hold a fundraiser with his supporters. I spoke with those in line for the event and here’s what they had to say about a variety of issues such as oil, which is a big part of the West Texas economy. I also spoke with those who were unable to …
Today on Capitol Hill there were plenty of heated moments during the hearing. Where many times Democrats would not let AG Barr respond to there questions or insisted for a ‘yes or no’ answer. There are plenty times my Dad will ask me a question that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. …
The last time I covered a Trump rally was in Charlotte, North Carolina on March second, the last rally until now. That was only a couple of months ago, but think about all that’s happened since then. Covid, George Floyd and the protests that followed his death. Trump supporters I have spoken with are eager …
I first interviewed him at the Liberty and Justice Celebration In Des Moines back in November, I asked about him being another New York businessman! Here’s that interview. My second interview with Mr. Yang was in Concord, New Hampshire where he filed for the New Hamsphire Primary. I asked him about an issue that he …
Pete Buttigieg visited Dover Middle School in dover, New Hampshire. Here are my interviews with his supporters and undecided voters
Amy Klobuchar visited Durham, NH where I spoke with her supporters and undecided voters. She has been viewed as a moderate by many people and that was one thing a lot people liked about her here are a few interviews with supporters of Amy Klobuchar along with undecided voters. I was even lucky enough to …
It feels like the last few months of covering campaign events has been Christmas Eve, I am happy to say it is finally Christmas. The Caucus’s are here!!!!!!! I have been waiting for this moment, when we can figure out who will take home the trophy of winning the Iowa Caucus, sadly we have not …
The Trump campaign held a press conference regarding the Iowa Caucus in Des Moines just hours before the caucus. Before the press conference I spoke with congressmen Mark Meadows who was a surrogate for President Trump in Iowa. Here is that interview I also spoke with Penny Nance of Concerned Women of America spoke with …