Cabot Phillips shares about the excitement and trials while on college campuses as a conservative correspondent. Hayden Williams explains his recent experience of being punched at a conservative event on Berkeley campus Actor Lee Murphy…and future Congressman? 🙂 Martha Boneta tells about her experiences abroad
With this being the 3rd CPAC I have covered, I am more prepared but the excitement is no less! Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch shares his viewpoints, but I was unable to get him to give up any late breaking news 😉 I did get his thoughts on the Cohen hearing with Congress though! Congressman …
Avula Safaris is THE South African experience for the whole family! From conservation, to hunting and of course, safari adventures…Avula has it all. They even supports our military by giving about 30 safaris and hunting trips to our veterans each year. To learn even more, watch the video below and visit Owners of Antler …
Mr. Ben Shapiro makes time for impromptu interview Mr. Lawrence Jones pulls up a chair to chat with me about being a black conservative in America. It sure is tough grabbing Sen. Cruz for questions, but I was able to get a quick question about VP Pences’s speach. Marc Lotter, former Press Secretary for the …
Following the Reagan reception, I asked Former Governor Gilmore his opinion of V.P. candidate Kaine since they both are from Virginia.
After catching footage of President Trump arriving in Marine 1, the media area was full and security had it closed. When God shuts one door he opens another; we went around the hallway to just shoot the beauty of the harbor. Next thing I know, my buddy Jesse Watters is out there and offered to …