I was able to speak with Congressman Pete Sessions of Texas district 17 about what Americans can do to come together after such a divisive election. I can’t imagine what an interesting discussion it would have been if we knew that protesters would soon be storming the capitol. What an irony when we were just …
Today on Capitol Hill there were plenty of heated moments during the hearing. Where many times Democrats would not let AG Barr respond to there questions or insisted for a ‘yes or no’ answer. There are plenty times my Dad will ask me a question that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. …
I am finally back in D.C. to cover the State of the Union! Opening statement for the most important speech of the year! Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas (Houston area) shares her thoughts on the upcoming SOTU address and the peace/unity she hopes it will bring. Now with a Democratic House, she hopes for …
Congressmen Deutch and Rutherford field questions about school safety, shortly after the Parkland, Florida school shooting. Somehow Rep. Deutch had an answer that included “night clubs.”