After a long election season it is finally over… kind of. Even though election day was over a month ago, many still doubt the election was fair. Whether you think the Trump campaign is being a sore loser or you think the accusations are ligitement, I am sure you have heard all about it. You …
School choice is an issue I have heard about from parents all through our country. I don’t really have an opinion on the issue, but that is ok because it is not my job to have an opinion. I want to show you different viewpoints, as well as what Georgia Senate candidate Jon Ossoff thinks …
While I did spend some time in Iowa this week, much of my observations come from the month I spent there during the Democratic primaries. It is a unique state with a unique history and the people there are very caring. I thought it would be fun to look back at the primary, along with …
Merry election! With only 12 days until election day, we witnessed the candidates go at it for one last time on the debate stage. I’m sure you have heard all about it, so I won’t tell you the same thing you have already heard. What I will show you is those gathered outside to support …
Iowa…we heard all about the state through out the primaries. Especially on February 3rd, the day of the caucus. Recently though, Iowa is not mentioned as frequently. Iowa may only boast six electoral college votes, but a very important and tight Senate race is underway. Republican incumbent Joni Ernst is neck and neck with her …
Often I am asked what initiated my interest in politics. Simply put, the answer is the 2016 primary debates! I loved them and there was nothing better than sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and watching the debates. This year I am just as excited. The only difference in 2020, is my snack of choice…Cornpop! …
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be a important state this election, which is why President Trump is here once again. I spoke with his supporters, one even a former Democrat, about why they are voting for Donald Trump. Some are worried about riots, immigration, Joe Biden’s mental state and more. I spoke with a former …
President Trump held his first rally since the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He spoke about her passing, as well as the importance to fill her seat. He also talked about jobs, riots, immigration, Democrats… and of course college football. He also poked fun at rioters and the Democratic party. I spoke with a few …
Wow, I can’t believe there is only fifty days until Election Day! Just think about all that we’ve seen through out the campaign cycle. So here is a mash up of my interviews with Democratic candidates in the primary! We have been watching as candidates go head to head the last year and a half, …
The last time I covered a Trump rally was in Charlotte, North Carolina on March second, the last rally until now. That was only a couple of months ago, but think about all that’s happened since then. Covid, George Floyd and the protests that followed his death. Trump supporters I have spoken with are eager …