Fmr. Congressman & democratic candidate Beto O’rourke talks to me about bipartisanship. See his answer below. Fmr. HUD Secratary & Demacratic presidential candidate Julian Castro on immagrants speaking english.
Interviews with President Trump supporters prior to rally
Cabot Phillips shares about the excitement and trials while on college campuses as a conservative correspondent. Hayden Williams explains his recent experience of being punched at a conservative event on Berkeley campus Actor Lee Murphy…and future Congressman? 🙂 Martha Boneta tells about her experiences abroad
With this being the 3rd CPAC I have covered, I am more prepared but the excitement is no less! Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch shares his viewpoints, but I was unable to get him to give up any late breaking news 😉 I did get his thoughts on the Cohen hearing with Congress though! Congressman …
I am finally back in D.C. to cover the State of the Union! Opening statement for the most important speech of the year! Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas (Houston area) shares her thoughts on the upcoming SOTU address and the peace/unity she hopes it will bring. Now with a Democratic House, she hopes for …
Introductions from multiple points of view
Mr. Lotter shares about his experience working with the Vice President, as well as advice on how we can unite our country