After a long election season it is finally over… kind of. Even though election day was over a month ago, many still doubt the election was fair. Whether you think the Trump campaign is being a sore loser or you think the accusations are ligitement, I am sure you have heard all about it. You …
While I did spend some time in Iowa this week, much of my observations come from the month I spent there during the Democratic primaries. It is a unique state with a unique history and the people there are very caring. I thought it would be fun to look back at the primary, along with …
Iowa…we heard all about the state through out the primaries. Especially on February 3rd, the day of the caucus. Recently though, Iowa is not mentioned as frequently. Iowa may only boast six electoral college votes, but a very important and tight Senate race is underway. Republican incumbent Joni Ernst is neck and neck with her …
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will be a important state this election, which is why President Trump is here once again. I spoke with his supporters, one even a former Democrat, about why they are voting for Donald Trump. Some are worried about riots, immigration, Joe Biden’s mental state and more. I spoke with a former …
President Trump held his first rally since the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He spoke about her passing, as well as the importance to fill her seat. He also talked about jobs, riots, immigration, Democrats… and of course college football. He also poked fun at rioters and the Democratic party. I spoke with a few …
The last time I covered a Trump rally was in Charlotte, North Carolina on March second, the last rally until now. That was only a couple of months ago, but think about all that’s happened since then. Covid, George Floyd and the protests that followed his death. Trump supporters I have spoken with are eager …
With just three days left before the Iowa Caucus’s President Trump came to the Iowa capital to speak with his supporters. I talked to an Iowan whom I had met previously who called me a day before the rally telling me that he been in line for a day already! He waited in line for …
Last night President Trump held a rally at UW- Milwaukee Panther Arena where he talk to supporters about a variety of issues; including the recent killing of Qasem Soleimani which was an important issue to one of his supporters I interviewed.
Both supporters and protesters share viewpoints
Interviews with President Trump supporters prior to rally